Men and Women shopper

Today I want to write about men and women shoppers because for last few weeks during grocery shopping I saw healthy or unhealthy items in the cart based on the gender of the shopper. I start notching that when the shopper was a man he would buy mostly healthy groceries like vegetables and fruits.  On other hand, women shopper buys a lot of junk food and sweets with few healthy items like milk or egg which, are necessary items of a household. First, I thought I must notice a lot of women buying unhealthy things since women do most of the grocery shopping for each household, but I went to different grocery stores such as Safeway, Safe-mart, whole foods, and Lucky to see if my observation was right and I counted equal number of male and female in the shop and I went to grocery shops at different times and different days of week. 

My observation was right because women bought the most sweets, ice creams, and junk food even mothers with their children or child had same things mostly junk like chips and ice cream. I then search for research article that can explain this trend because it has to do with our brain and hormones. Today I saw Dr. Oz show in TV and it was about the same topic and all his participants for junk food, insomnia, and other emotional problems were women. I think it is because women are different physically and mentally.  Men usually take their emotion off by doing exercise, play with sports with their friends.  Women usually eat junk food when their emotional and have some stress. I myself eat a lot sweets during final exam even my healthy friend who eats only organic food and no junk, but during final even she eats chocolates and sweets.  I am not saying that men are not obese only women are, but women are mostly obese because they are physically much different and usually after childbirth it is hard to get back to the usual weight.

The research article, “Obesity-related differences between women and men in brain structure and goal-directed behavior,” this research article explains how men and women brains control them when they eat junk and unhealthy. The researchers say that eating unhealthy food is like a drug because it makes the brain addictive to the food and always the person craving for junk food.  These are the images of from this research article that shows differences between brain of men and women.





The article is excellent research  article I had hard time summarizing it because it had a lot of science terms and I thought if I put those in my blog I need to define each of them so the readers can understand my summery. It would made my blog very long and boring so I here I added the link if you’re interested in reading the article. Do agree with my observation or not? What is your take about men and women obesity?